In the Water Closet Friday

Happy Birthday to my first baby! Its my eldest son’s birthday today. He was born on a Friday – Good Friday, in fact. My son was born on Good Friday of ’96 and my husband was born on Good Friday of ’69. I always like that cool little twist. The gift of my son, certainly adds to why I LOVE Fridays. This is one of our family’s “birthday clumps”, in case you haven’t noticed. Every family has “birthday clumps”, where you actually start to get tired of birthday cake, if that is even possible.

It is also FAVORITE THINGS FRIDAY! New readers, I don’t get heavy and emotionally charged on Fridays. I typically list three things, resources, songs, etc. that I really like and I pass these on to you as a gift. Please gift me and the other readers back in the Comments section with some of your favorites and share the love. Sharing the love is so easy to do on Fridays. It just goes with the Friday vibe.

Today’s Friday Favorites are the best bathroom reads. Bathroom reads are those little resource books, or one-page quote books or books filled with pick-me up stories that are quick reads when you feel a little bored in the water closet and you already read the latest copy of People magazine in ten minutes. (on an aside, you know how they say you should read a fortune from a fortune cookie and add “in bed” to the end of the fortune? I’m going to add “in the water closet” to the end of my recommendations, for fun. Go with me, on this. It’s Friday.) Here are three of my favorite bathroom reads:

Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom by Christine Northrup – This book is for when you start panicking about your health and you can’t get to Dr. Google, just yet. The book’s author is thorough, kind, empathetic and wise. I always feel so reassured and informed any time I look up any of my “concerns” regarding my body, when using this book as a resource. . . . in the water closet.

The Ultimate Dictionary of Dream Language by Briceida Ryan – One time my friend sent our group chat questions about a weird dream that she had the previous night. The dream was about a badger and she had no idea where that came from. (She’s an Aquarius.) Anyway, I was able to go to this dictionary and sure enough, it had an explanation for badger dreams. Whether it was the correct explanation or not, is beside the point. I was able to multi-task and to help a friend out. All the way around – relief. . . . in the water closet.

The Essential Wit of the World’s Funniest People edited by Daniel Bukszpan – This book is just full of hilarious short funny, quotes. Here are just two examples from the School Daze chapter:

“My school was so tough, the school newspaper had an obituary section.” -Norm Crosby

“You how to tell if the teacher is hung over? Movie Day.” – Jay Mohr

I think laughter is great medicine in whichever way you may need it. Often people in bathrooms, need some kind of healing. Laughter is key. . . . in the water closet.

I’ll finish with a funny from Chris Rock:

“There are only three things women need in life: food, water and compliments.”

Happy Friday, my dear friends!!! Have a great weekend!! Hope not too much time is spent . . . in the water closet!