One day at a time . . . . I love ODAT. It’s really the only way to go with anything: problems, goals, trips, projects, habits, healing, seasons. “Just for today, I will . . . . .” If you simplify anything down to ODAT, it’s doable. It’s manageable. It’s possible. It’s achievable. ODATs all add up, too. Ask anyone who has started a business, lost weight, kicked addictions, worked through grief, wrote a book, built a house, healed from a disease or an ailment . . . . Today, when you find yourself in a tiz over anything, apply ODAT. Figure out what steps or actions you need to do for this goal or situation, just for today. Let the ODATs take you to where you want to go. ODATS help you to grow. You learn patience, practicality, trust, faith, steadiness, and the ability to create good habits. You learn that your days all add up to your entire lifetime. You learn that you are able to do more in a day than you ever expected. You get planful instead of panic-full. ODAT. Make it part of your vernacular. Make it part of your breathwork. Make it your way of life.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.
Here is the question of the day from 3000 Questions About Me:
956. What is the craziest craving you ever had?