
We are going to be visiting with relatives in England later this summer, when we go to visit with our daughter, who will be studying there. I asked if there was anything that we should bring from America that they would like for us to bring. My aunt wanted some “4th of July” napkins (these, obviously, won’t be easily found over there), and her grandchildren wanted some specific American candy. My aunt said, “They want some ‘Jolly Ranchers’, but I guess they mean ‘Jolly Rogers?!?’,” she said in her email.

“No, they were right, it is ‘Jolly Ranchers’ and we can accomodate,” I said with a smile on my face, tasting an imaginary tart red cherry Jolly Rancher on my tongue, as I replied to her. Interestingly, her one little grandchild wanted a big bag of buttered popcorn. At first this puzzled me. I thought to myself, “I’ll have to purchase that when we get there,” but then it occurred to me that corn isn’t as common in Europe as it is here. Popcorn was first found in Peru, and the Aztecs are said to have eaten quite a bit of it in ancient Mexico. Popcorn is clearly much more of an “Americas” thing. The Europeans have “banged grains” as it is often called in the UK, but it isn’t nearly as plentiful and available in so many varieties as we have here in the United States.

No doubt, I will find some room in my luggage for the biggest, most delicious bag of popcorn I can find, (and probably a few microwave versions, to boot.) It will be cushioned between big bags of Jolly Ranchers. In my mind, this will be the most priceless stuff in my luggage, and I can’t wait to be a kid again with kids who know just how great and fulfilling an American snack of salty, buttered popcorn and Jolly Ranchers can make! It’s the “little things.” This I know.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Here is the question of the day from 3000 Questions About Me:

1430. What profession do you respect? (I was going to write something snarky, but I am working on my “emotional reacting, versus healthfully responding” skills.)