
This is all that I have today, friends. It’s been a morning of disruptions and changed plans, but that doesn’t matter. All that matters is the sundae. Wishing you a wonderful sundae with a lot of pretty and yummy sprinkles on top!!

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Here is the question of the day from 3000 Questions About Me:

1361. In your opinion, what’s “the best thing since sliced bread?”

4 thoughts on “Sprinkles”

  1. The best thing since sliced bread, for me, is texting!
    I love being able to send a little emoji to let my friend in need knowing I’m praying for her with folded hands. Or texting Happy Birthday messages as soon as I think of it, anytime during that special day. Or checking in with my sons without having the awkward call from mom that they made it to their destination safely! Texting right before the plane starting roaring down the run way, or as soon as the plane lands, letting me family know I’m safe.

    Yes, texting is better than sliced bread!

    1. I 100% agree, Joan. I’ve LOVE texting and I love that everyone has the ability to communicate at their own time and convenience, but still keep in touch. It makes it so everything doesn’t have to be a “big thing.”

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