The Clump Effect

In my life (and in observing the lives of others), I have often noticed what I consider to be “the clump effect”. In any given calendar year, notable events, particularly happy moments and reunions and visits, surprising news and occurrences, celebrations, travel, randomly running into people, and even loved ones’ birthdays all seem to happen in “clumps.” And there is very little downtime to really process your thoughts, feelings, reactions, and next moves, because all of these things that you are needing to, and wanting to process, are also clumped together and are still relatively unsorted, and also being steadily mixed about, in your own little private mixing bowl of emotion, while you are still moving through your current “clump” of activity. I am moving through one of my “clumps” this week. And it has been lovely, and interesting, and hopeful, and helpful, and fun, and sad, and painful, and pricking, and exciting, and full of anticipation, and nostalgic, and full of future tripping, and meaningful, and interesting, and all of this is being mixed together with more unknown intriguing ingredients to be added throughout the weekend. The clump effect allows us to have long strands of renewing lull in our everyday routines, in order for us to prepare for our next “clump.” And it is in our lives’ clumps, that we are given a whole new set of experiences to help us to rapidly grow into the directions which we are meant to head. And then, when we get one of those solid breaks in our clumps, towards the end of that current lull, we start to get a little bored and a little antsy, and then hopefully mostly ready for a rapid growth spurt which mainly seems to come from the various “clumps” in our lives.

(I know, random, right?? You are probably reading this quote, scratching your head, and saying, “Huh?” Me too. It must be the “clump effect” on my mind which made me decide that I just had to add this quote to today’s blog.)

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Here is the question of the day from 3000 Questions About Me:

1236. Have you ever been in a position of authority?