Your Masterpiece

I got back to art class yesterday, after a few weeks off for Christmas break. It was great to be back. I painted the little guy above as sort of a “warm up”. I thought that I would share him with you. He makes me smile.

The best part of getting older is coming to the proven realization that the end product of anything truly doesn’t matter. The real joy always comes in the doing, in the process, in the flow. Yes, a successfully grown family, business, career, marriage, homestead, project, craft etc. can give you a sense of satisfaction and pride and maybe even some accolades, but those feelings are such a small blip of feelings versus the myriad of feelings and experiences that go into the process of forming and building and creating and experiencing all of the works of your life. There’s peace in this realization. Your life is your main product. And it doesn’t end, until you end. And none of us really know what “when you end” means, if we are honest with ourselves. We all have beliefs and hopes, but none of us truly know the mysteries of what happens to us after we die. So, in the meantime, we are living our ongoing creative product – our lives. And this product is a collaboration with the entire world around us. Our main creative product, our individual life, has the support of the whole entire world which only benefits when our creative product brings more individuality and beauty and imagination and our own uniqueness that is unrepeatable, to the whole of it.

I’m a middle-age, empty nester who is attending art class for the fun of it. I’m not graded. My output doesn’t matter. It’s even okay if I don’t particularly enjoy my art class on any given day. If I spill some paint, so what? If I never frame my art, who cares? The joy is in the doing. The joy is in the exploring. The joy is in the accepting. The joy is in the gratefulness for the experience – every bit of it.

Your life is your only creative product. Everything else that you do is part of that product. Be joyful in “doing” your life. Explore. Accept the messiness and the so-called flaws of it all. Mostly, be grateful for having the experience of being able to create your one and only masterpiece, and also be utterly grateful for all of the wonderful beings who are co-creating with you. If our world isn’t a creative masterpiece of miracles, than what is?

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Here is the question of the day from 3000 Questions About Me:

583. Do you prefer blue or black inked pens?

6 thoughts on “Your Masterpiece”

  1. Definitely blue!

    Having written literally thousands of thank you notes while working for a friend who sends thank you notes to donors who contribute to non-profits, blue is the color.

    I also wanted to let you know that I can not see your painting. I’m accessing your blog via email and when I click into your blog, I can not see the picture. This has happened before, but I failed to mention it…maybe it’s only me…
    But I will try to into your blog another way and see if I can see your painting. I bet it is amazing…like you!

    Love your questions!!

    1. I’m sorry to hear that about your emails, Joan. Perhaps there is some kind of blocker? It shows up on my email. My husband says blue, too, but I like black ink. 🙂

  2. Your little guy is SO cute! Your use of negative space is genius. Very well done!

    I’m really feeling your topic for today. According to my astrology, I’m entering an intensely creative period, and it’s already happening. Even though I still feel cruddy from the new medication, my brain is whirling with inspiration. The prediction is that the next few months will change my life in a positive way, actually setting the stage for my next decade. That’s a lot to look forward to!

    I’m eager to see where the journey leads. After 15 stressful years, Pluto has finally left my sign, and Jupiter, the planet of expansion and abundance, is moving in. Yes! Bring it, universe! It feels auspicious that tonight’s new moon is on the eve of my birthday (tomorrow)! I’m feeling hopeful and joyful, and as you noted, eternally grateful for all the experiences that have made me who I am, and for all the beautiful beings in my life. I’ve finally learned to embrace the mess, which has made life infinitely easier. Thank you for today’s timely reminder about how blessed we all are to be here, now.

    1. Happy Birthday, Kelly!! Clearly, the best is yet to come! I’m rooting for you and I can’t wait to see what’s next for you. <3

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