Soul Sunday

Welcome to the last day of 2023. I like that this year ends on a Sunday. Perfection! Sunday is poetry day on the blog. What kind of poetry did you write and live in 2023? What kind of poetry do you hope to write, and to make in 2024? Here’s my last poem I will write this year. (Now it is time for you to go write yours . . . ):


Every ending is a new beginning

Every year has losing and winning

I find myself sitting here, widely grinning

Knowing that the earth still keeps spinning

As the veil we call time is quickly thinning,

Into a new precious year of our lives.

What will we make of this gift?

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

2 thoughts on “Soul Sunday”

  1. How exciting – we are about to close the book on 2023 and open a fresh, untouched journal for 2024. There are so many new adventures to pursue and new insights to be revealed. Thank you for chronicling the past year, for sharing your thoughts, and for encouraging each of us to be a bit more curious, to dig a little deeper, and to pause and
    contemplate what we find there. Wishing you and your lovely family continued blessings. Cheers to the new Year!

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