Let’s Just Rot

My daughter is home for her Thanksgiving break from her university. We were shopping yesterday and we were discussing what we should do in the evening.

“Let’s just go home, sit in front of the TV and rot,” she said to me.

“What are you talking about?” I asked her, as it sounded kind of gross to me.

“Well, when my roommates and I are all stressed out, we agree that we need a “rot day” and we all just sit in our pjs, piled up on the couch, and we flip through shows on the TV. We call it rotting.”

This made me laugh. I decided to adopt it into my vernacular. “Vegging” sounds better than “rotting” but I’m a “call it like it is” kind of a gal. And every once in a while we need to give into our rotting, instead of fighting it all of the time with movement and action and denial. Facts are, we are in a state of decay from the day we are born, but this isn’t a bad thing. Wine, sauerkraut, cheese, and balsamic vinegar are all better with a little bit of aging/rotting. And when you call sitting still and doing nothing, “rotting”, it kind of reminds you to not do it too much. We all may be in a state of decay, but nothing says that we have to decay quickly.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.