Sweetest Part

I have a friend who is going through a really tough time. What is the most comforting thing someone has ever said to you? (Seriously, please share your answers in my Comments section, if you can.) These are the times that you really fumble for the right words. Everything seems like it is the wrong thing to say. Everything seems to come out “wrong.” I guess the constant mantra in words and deeds is, “I’m here. I care. I’m here. I care. I’m here. I care . . . . “

In happier reflections, what I DO love about having my adult children back home is witnessing their maturity. Once kids have had to do their own grocery shopping, cook their own food, do their own dishes, do their own laundry, etc. etc., it’s amazing how much quicker they are to lend a hand at home and/or to lavish some real appreciation for when these things are done for them. It feels good to see the blooms of maturity in your babies. It’s the sweetest part of the “bittersweet” ingredients of experiencing your children growing up and maturing.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

2 thoughts on “Sweetest Part”

  1. Kelly,
    After learning that a business colleague of mine lost her daughter to suicide, I felt the need to write her a note.
    After thinking about what I would say to her, I simply wrote a note saying something along the lines of…. “There are no words….” I just want you to know I’m praying for you each & every day.”

    Often times the less said, the better, however sincere words of heartfelt caring & love do go a long way.

    Thanks for the post!

    1. Thank you, Joan and I think that you are absolutely right. As a lover of words, I want them to be able to fix everything, but sometimes they just can’t.

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