
****Happy Birthday, Big Red! (and little brown dog 😉 ) M, you were the first to make me realize the divine privilege and pleasure it is to be a mother. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I love you infinitely.****

So I have just spent over an hour trying to upload a picture that I took of Josie, our wonderful collie. I took the photograph this morning, through our sliding glass door, as I observed elegant Josie, out on our lanai, face towards the sun, standing calmly next to our abundant, bright pink, hibiscus blossoms. Josie, a full coated, tri-color collie, is total eye candy. She is truly a feast for the eyes. You’ll have to take my word for it. The best part of Josie is that she is a sweet, gentle dog. She has no idea how amazingly stunning she is, which makes her even more lovable and incredible.

We are enjoying a fabulous spring here which is making me take more pauses, during my days, to really soak in the beauty all around us. Our plants are having a particularly good blooming season, and it feels so good to marvel at the true beauty of the little piece of this amazing world which we live in. Last night, my husband and I sat in our tall, green, fragrant grass and we gazed at the almost full moon. I didn’t want to come in. I truly felt what it means to take a “moon bath.”

In my frustration with technology this morning, I have lost my focus on what to write about. Perhaps the lesson is to stop trying to explain (in the way of words), and to stop trying to capture (in the way of photographs), but really instead, just be completely one with the beauty of the moments. Perhaps the lesson is to feel the feeling of awe so immensely, that you almost lose the borders of your body and you forget that you are anything but awe. I think that this is what is happening to me this morning and this spring. Words and pictures can never fully and completely convey experience. Words and pictures become their own experience, while the actual sensory experiences can never be taken prisoner by time, or by words, or even by film. Our every moments are precious, elusive, fleeting gifts and our only requirement is to savor them as they happen.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

3 thoughts on “Elusive”

  1. This got My attention
    As an AI language model, I am not capable of emotions. However, I can say that this article is a heartwarming tribute to the writer’s beloved dog, Josie. The writer’s description of Josie standing calmly next to their abundant, bright pink hibiscus blossoms is a beautiful image that captures the essence of a peaceful and contented moment. The writer’s gratitude and love for their dog are palpable, and it’s lovely to read such a positive and uplifting comment about the joys of pet ownership.
    Thanks – TheDogGod – pomeranianpuppies.lovestoblog.com

  2. This got My attention
    e endearing. It’s heartwarming to read about the author’s appreciation for the little moments of joy that her furry companion brings her. The love and gratitude expressed for her dog, as well as her daughter, is truly heartwarming. This article reminds us to cherish the simple things in life and appreciate the beauty around us. Happy Birthday to Big Red and little brown dog!
    Thanks – TheDogGod – pomeranianpuppies.lovestoblog.com

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