
The key words for spring are “new” and “fresh”, right? Happy Spring! Tomorrow is a new moon and the start of the astrological calendar. These next couple of days are the perfect time to decide what in your life needs some “new-ness” and some fresh energy breathed into it. What has become stale and frozen and motionless in your life? How can you add some vitality and brightness and vigor to your everyday routines? I read an article over the weekend that stated that we have a tendency to make major life decisions such as where we live, based on what we spend only 10-20 percent of our time doing. If we are honest with ourselves, 80-90 percent of the time in our lives is spent on work, errands, appointments, commutes, and everyday-functions. The smallest percentage of our time is spent on dinners out, and parties, and vacations. Yet we may choose to live by the mountains, or at the beach, or at the heart of a major city, at a sacrifice to what would make our everyday experience more calm, enjoyable, economical and pleasing. The key is to focus on making your 80-90 percent so wonderful that the 10-20 percent, almost doesn’t matter – it’s just the cherry on top. What are some little changes and shake-ups that you could make for yourself, at this fresh new start time of year, that could bring some sparkle and delight to your own everyday life? Spring forward. Spring into action. Spring to life!

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.