On the Road Again

Before writing this post, I went to Twitter and I looked up “Southwest” expecting to find some really funny, snarky memes that I planned to share on the blog. Instead, the first and most popular tweet that I saw was a suggested act of kindness. The tweet asked people who were stranded at airports to go to baggage claim where baggage is piling up, and to call people using their luggage tag information, to let them know which airport their luggage was currently in. The holiday spirit is still alive and well and prevailing, it seems.

My own family is starting our 16+ hour road trip back home this afternoon. For the first time in a long time, I won’t likely be publishing my daily blog for the next couple of days. (I am not skilled/talented enough to write this blog from my phone.) I am so eager to get home and back to my regular routine. Have a wonderful rest of your week. I hope to be back to writing the blog by this weekend.

By the way, I did scroll down and find more tweets (if you don’t laugh, you’ll cry):

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.