Soul Sunday

Good morning. You’ve earned some peace in your life, don’t you think. Just for today, take it. Accept peace. Peace accepts. If you accept the moment, peace follows. Believe that you are right where you are supposed to be in your life’s journey. Because you are right where you are supposed to be.

Sundays are devoted to poetry on the blog. Poetry comes out of the most accepting, open place/space in the poet’s heart. Poetry allows for emotion, imagination, wonder and truth. Today, I am sharing a delightful poem about autumn leaves, written in the 1800s, by the American children’s writer, Sarah Chauncey Woolsey, who went by the pen name, Susan Coolidge. Reading it, I feel like a curious, wondrous little kid again. That’s what good writing does. Good writing intrigues you, and then transports you.

Enjoy this poem. Write one of your own. Have a lovely Sunday.

How the Leaves Came Down by Susan Coolidge

I’ll tell you how the leaves came down.
  The great Tree to his children said,
“You’re getting sleepy, Yellow and Brown,
  Yes, very sleepy, little Red;
  It is quite time you went to bed.”

“Ah!” begged each silly, pouting leaf,
  “Let us a little longer May;
Dear Father Tree, behold our grief,
  ‘Tis such a very pleasant day
We do not want to go away.”

So, just for one more merry day
  To the great Tree the leaflets clung,
Frolicked and danced and had their way,
  Upon the autumn breezes swung,
  Whispering all their sports among,

“Perhaps the great Tree will forget
  And let us stay until the spring
If we all beg and coax and fret.”
  But the great Tree did no such thing;
  He smiled to hear their whispering.

“Come, children all, to bed,” he cried;
  And ere the leaves could urge their prayer
He shook his head, and far and wide,
  Fluttering and rustling everywhere,
  Down sped the leaflets through the air.

I saw them; on the ground they lay,
  Golden and red, a huddled swarm,
Waiting till one from far away,
  White bed-clothes heaped upon her arm,
  Should come to wrap them safe and warm.

The great bare Tree looked down and smiled.
  “Good-night, dear little leaves” he said;
And from below each sleepy child
  Replied “Good-night,” and murmured,
  “It is so nice to go to bed.”

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.