Today You Are a Centaur

“The basic needs of life are often taken for granted. Not by you. Your life is good because you don’t wait for a loss to appreciate the miracle of such things as breath, water, food and a safe place to enjoy them.” – Holiday Mathis

” . . . . .don’t waste time on things you don’t need to invest yourself in.”-yourtango

 ” . . . your allies might be feeling a bit neglected considering how much energy you’ve invested in dealing with the haters. Go out of your way to express your gratitude and love for their presence in your life.” – Astrotwins

“A tug-of-war could go on forever, so let go of your end.” – Christopher Renstrom

I am a Sagittarius and these lines above, are from my daily horoscopes from websites I check out regularly. Whether you believe that astrology is true, or just for fun, or it’s all really just phooey, (and those are my individual and collected beliefs, on any particular day, in any particular mood), I enjoy reading my daily horoscopes, and starting my day, gleaning some inner wisdom from them. Clearly, today has a pronounced prominent theme. The theme is – “Let go of the negativity, and focus on all of the positives that I have going on, in my one, quickly moving, amazing, interesting, blessed life.”

I have to say when I read the Astrotwins line about “allies”, you – my loyal, devoted readers, were among the first to come to mind. I am so grateful for your presence in my life. I do not take you for granted. I savor my mornings writing to you, versus writing to some empty void. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for your time and for your attention. Time is your most precious resource, and your time is appreciated by me, more than you know. I love you, my allies.

Today, no matter what your astrological sign is, let’s just take the advice for Sagittarians. Be thankful for your food, your home, your clothes and your breath. Realize the miracle in all of these things. Don’t get mired in the drama that detracts from your one precious life. Show gratitude and love for your “allies” (taken from a post I wrote last week, where the colonel asks his Soldiers these questions, in order to understand them better and to gain their trust: “Who do you call when you have some good news? Who do you call when you have some bad news?  Who do you call when you want to laugh/cry? Who loves you back home?”) Friends, it doesn’t matter what “title” these people hold in relation to you, whomever is the answer to the questions above, these are the people who are YOUR allies. Stop taking your allies for granted. Stop assuming that they know how much they mean to you. Don’t neglect your allies. And finally, whatever you are struggling with, let go of your side of the rope. There is no game, when you refuse to play. Surrender. Trust the Universe with your fracas. Just for today, let it go. Let it be.

Have a great day. Today you are all centaurs with me. The stars are aligned for it to be a wonderful, fabulous day filled with gratitude and love for our food, for our shelter, for our allies, for our ability to let things go. Today, if nothing else, let’s spend it being thankful for our miraculous ability to just breathe.


Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

2 thoughts on “Today You Are a Centaur”

  1. Hi Kelly. So glad you are in my life too. I enjoy waking up to your thoughts and words and hopes for the day ahead. I always find something valuable there. Thank you!

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