Hi friends. We’re still standing here. There are no power outages yet, just steady rain. It’s probably too early to tell, but we may have dodged a bullet in our area. Still, we continue to pray for our friends and family all over Florida, who may not be faring so well. Hurricanes are scary, unpredictable monsters.
I really love this meme that I reposted above. When you go through scary, dangerous times, you are not always at your best. Sometimes some of the whole of you is “missing”. Fear and uncertainty do not always bring out the best in people. Too many of us are conditioned to believe that we are only loveable when we are perfect, and even, and helpful, and steady. But that’s not true. Yes, it is true that sometimes, when someone we love is really off-kilter, we have to put some space between ourselves and them, for the health of all involved, but the love never goes away. Things can go “missing” in a person and in a relationship, but love remains. Love is indestructible. Love is. Know that you are always loved, whether you are whole, or whether parts of you go “missing” from time to time. The part of any and each of us that never, ever goes missing, is love. Love is the material of our souls.
Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.
So relieved to know that you’re okay. It’s like watching a horror movie and the hurricane monster is just relentless and unpredictable…and strong and indifferent.
Exactly! You nailed it, Gail! Thanks for your concern for me. <3
You and all of your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Know you are loved
Thank you, Esther. Love you! <3
I’ve heard people say they are terrified of California’s earthquakes, but as a native, I just take them in stride. I think I’d rather deal with quakes then hurricanes. With quakes, they just arrive without warning, and by the time you realize what’s happening it’s almost over. You are thrust directly into the “action” phase, dealing with the aftermath, if there is one. The anticipation of waiting on a hurricane must be excruciating. You seem to be handling everything very well, so just keep hanging in there. Really, what else can you do? Just keep being the beautiful soul that you are, ready to lend a hand and look out for neighbors and friends. We’ll look forward to your assessment of this whole experience in a few days!
Thank you, Kelly. You are so awesome.