Take It Soft

I am having a rare case of writer’s block. I have my mind on too many things. I like this post made this morning by the Wise Connector on Twitter. It’s so easy to hone in on the “bad” things that have happened over a time period. Part of this might be because “bad things”, thankfully, are more rare than the good or even neutral things in life. My own summer, I could dwell on my youngest leaving the nest and how much my life has changed, and the health problems of loved ones, and the unrelenting heat, or I could be delighted that my daughter acclimated well to college and that my husband and I were able to enjoy some wonderful one-on-one summer trips together – something we haven’t been able to partake in, in quite some time.

I read a quote from a book about escaping slavery by Francis Bok. He said, “No matter what happens, try to take it soft.” To me, this means to remain hopeful. It means to understand that life will always have its ups and downs, so breathe and stay in the moment. Another thing I read over the weekend was a quote from Mark Nepo. He says, “The antidote to pessimism is admiration.” If you look out of your window right now, you will see a heck of a lot of things to admire. Don’t hone in on the garbage cans, instead, be overwhelmed by the plants, and the trees, and the flowers, and the sunshine. Try this with anything. You will be feeling more optimistic in no time.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.