Soul Sunday

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Good morning. Below is a picture that I took this morning, of one of our plants, who lives on our back porch. What a beauty! This gorgeous green palm is the inspiration for the poem which I wrote below. There is so much inspiration for poetry in all of our lives, if we are just willing to look for it, and to contemplate it. Sundays are the perfect days to contemplate the epic poems of our own lives. Today, live as if your own life was a treasured poem to be shared throughout the ages. We all have our odysseys. Explore and record and savor the epic-ness of your own inner and outer life. It’s a hidden treasure waiting for you to notice it.

And as the raindrops glistened in the new morning sun,

the plants understood that they had been kissed by diamonds,

through the torrential storms and the terrors of the night.

It’s just that they had to wait for the buoyant light of day,

to see the blessing of what was once thought their plight.