Keep On

credit: @tinybuddha, Twitter

I have often thought that one of my biggest blessings in my personal life is that I get a lot of joy out of the little things. Like for instance, I spent all day yesterday in delicious, giddy anticipation of another episode of Better Call Saul being released to Amazon. All day long, I reminded myself, “We get to watch Better Call Saul tonight!” (and even more exciting was the fact that 89-year old actress Carol Burnett was featured in this particular episode. I watched The Carol Burnett Show all the time, when I was a little kid. Carol still has “it”! And earlier yesterday, my friend texted Joni Mitchell performing her incredible song, “Both Sides Now” at a recent folk festival. Joni is 78 and suffered from a debilitating brain aneurysm in 2015. The message I got from the Universe yesterday: Just keep doing what you love. Do what you love until you can’t do it. Love sustains you. Love creates you. Keep doing what you love in some form or another, until you can’t do it anymore. Be yourself until the very end. So, on that note, you and I will be here at the blog on a daily basis for a long, long time. I hope that you’ll stay with me!)

I typically reserve poetry for Sundays. However, I read a poem yesterday that profoundly touched me and I feel the need to share it today. We have an extended family member who has been riding a roller coaster of major health issues all month. This situation has been incredibly stressful and painful for her, and for all of us. I found myself doing my typical, yet not helpful habits of future-tripping, ruminating, second-guessing, etc. This poem helped me to find my center. If you need some summer centering, I hope that this poem touches you, too:

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

8 thoughts on “Keep On”

  1. Great reminder to just keep doing what we love. Joni Mitchell and Carol Burnett are good models to follow. And I loved the poem…Let July be July. Let August be August.
    Thank you, Kelly, for your always thought-provoking, life-affirming, permission-giving posts. 🙂

  2. Kelly we are definitely in sync. I literally posted the same image of the small joys of a simple life on my Facebook page earlier before I saw your blog this morning.
    Thank you for your wonderful daily posts that I will follow as long as you keep writing. ❤️

  3. Hey Kelly,
    Thanks for the poem, I needed it.
    I am currently in Pittsburgh dealing with my aging parents, and some illness, and some memory issues, and stubborn attitudes, and I am doing it alone. Although my brothers talk with me about things…it’s all me.
    My friends keep asking me what am I going to do….
    I can not fix everything…
    I can not solve everything…
    I can only do the best I can with what I’ve got & I pray the good Lord shows me the best way to proceed for them.
    And I will still find peace and grow in the wild of changing things.
    Thanks for the message of calm and peace!?☮️

    PS. ?“Both Sides Now” is one of my all time favorite songs.
    Joni Mitchell ❤️ I’m going to listen to that song right now.

    1. I’m sorry for what you are going through, Joan. I’m happy that the poem helped. <3

      1. Kelly,
        I went to my YouTube channel and amazingly enough, Joni Mitchell’s video was right there waiting for me.
        I loved seeing her perform that song that I loved for so many years!
        Thank you for bringing to my attention that delightful treat.
        —I think I watched it 3 times!!!?

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