Safe Friday

Happy Friday!! Happy Best Day of the Week!! On Fridays, I stay on the fluffy side of life and I discuss any favorite item or book or song or TV show that has made my life more interesting, easy, fun, etc. Please check out previous Friday posts for more favorites and please let us know some of your own favorites.

Today’s favorite is perfect for those of us who do not want to own our own shredders. (I already own plenty of dust collectors already.) I have become more nervous about throwing away paper items with personal information on them, than ever before. I read in a magazine about Guard Your ID ink blotters, which is a simple tool that basically blackens out any information which you do not want shared with any identity thief who might come across your private papers. It works tremendously. It dries quickly, and it affords you peace of mind, so that you don’t have to allow piles of papers to build up, to warrant a trip to the shredder. It is small, easy to keep in a drawer, and I purchased the “Plus” version which is extra wide. It can be purchased from Amazon for around $10.00. Worth every penny. Can you put a price on your peace of mind?

Have an enjoyable weekend, friends! I’ll see you tomorrow!

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.