Soul Sunday

Sundays are devoted to poetry on the blog. I thought of this poem yesterday, as I was pondering during a car ride, about just how few current and historical figures any of us know anything about. Currently, there are over 7.5 billion people in this world. How many of these people who you know, do you know by sight? And even if you know a sprinkling of public and “famous” people by sight, do your children know them? Do your parents? Will your great grandchildren recognize these “famous” people? Do people on the other side of our world know these “famous” people? Ego tricks us into believing that our individual selves are so incredibly important, and in a sense, we are extremely important to the people who love us, and who share experiences with us. Still, in the end, all that is left of any of us, that makes any kind of mark on our world’s history, are our shared and collective actions and inactions. We are just one tiny dot of energy that helps to create this One evolving experience called Life. Here is my poem:

The heart of the story is this,

The actions have all of the significance,

The actions are what creates the story of the world.

The people who do the actions are rather insignificant.

The actions have all of the significance.

The characters are interesting, but they are just the tools,

For making the actions to happen and to occur.

Actions create our history.

Love is an action.

We all create Love.

We are Love.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.