Full-On Friday


Good morning, friends. Happy Friday! Happy Favorite Things Friday!! The above picture is from one of my only two favorites for the day. That picture above is of Apollo, who is an orphaned black rhino. Due to poaching and hunting, there are only about 5,000 wild black rhinos left in the world. Apollo is taken care of by the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, an organization that is dedicated to taking care of orphaned elephants and rhinos, in order that they can be released back into the natural world, to be wild and free. Learn all about the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust here, at their website and watch their delightful videos of the precious, resilient, tough, very much alive orphans. https://www.sheldrickwildlifetrust.org/

In times of trouble, I find so much solace in animals and in nature. Don’t you?

Remember, little ones have big hearts. Little ones are amazingly resilient, resourceful and full of life. It’s hard to keep little ones down. Little ones are our future. Let’s all do everything that we can do, to make sure that it is a beautiful future worth having.

 “And though she be but little, she is fierce.”

–  William Shakespeare

“Mighty things from small beginnings grow.”

–  John Dryden

“The world is moved along by tiny pushes of each honest worker.”

– Helen Keller

“Today’s mighty oak is just yesterday’s nut, that held its ground.”

–  David Icke

And this is my new favorite song. (I find a lot of solace in music, too. Don’t you?) This song is a lovely way to bring in the weekend. Have a wonderful weekend. We’re all under the same sun.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.