Say Yes

I don’t have much to write this morning. It’s one of those mornings after a holiday weekend in which I am scattered in all directions and I feel like I am losing my mind. I am trying to get too much done, all at the same time, and in my frenzy, I am creating more “messes” to clean up. You never save time by rushing around.

I did want to mention/archive a quote that I saw in a book over the weekend:

“When they told me “NO” I thought “for you maybe, but not for me.” – Cyndi Lauper

This should definitely be a year of “yesses” in our lives. We’ve been living with so many “nos” for so long now. The saying goes that you mostly regret the things that you didn’t do versus the things that you did do. I think the saying is true. Even the situations, that in retrospect, didn’t go exactly the way I had planned and hoped for, the lessons that I gleaned from these experiences were priceless. I have always thought that having my curiosity satisfied is easily in my top five favorite feelings of all time.

Leigh-Chantelle - Friday's Final Say - Yes is More Quote

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

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