Not ok

credit: @3dLooks, Twitter

I’m sorry, readers, but my son’s epileptic seizures keep on happening, despite the fact that he is now taking five different anti-seizure medications at once. I have no words today. My family and I are worn thin right now. I lose a piece of myself every time that I witness my son lose a piece of himself. Epilepsy sucks. So, I’m just gonna sit here and be a little blue. Thank you for coming by, and sitting with me a little bit.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

12 thoughts on “Not ok”

  1. Kelly,
    Thinking of you and praying for you!
    If I lived near you, I would bring your family dinner, and I would sit with you.

      1. Me too!
        You are an a amazingly gifted writer & I am so grateful I get to journey with you.
        Take good care.
        Prayers for you all!

  2. Sitting with you…even though I am thousands of miles away geographically, my heart beats next to yours.

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