
We were at the hospital all yesterday afternoon. Again. My son sprained his shoulder while having another seizure. My regular readers know that my youngest son has epilepsy. And currently his seizures are not being controlled by medicine. My son is totally drained. My husband is totally drained. I am totally drained. I know that things could be worse. I know that there are many others who have it a lot worse, even with epilepsy. I know that I have been blessed in so many other ways, but right now I am honestly too numb to care. I am thankful that my son is alive. I am thankful that we have more medicines to try, and more medicine combinations to try, and more doctors and specialists to see. I am thankful that we have the means to pay for these opportunities. When there is life, there is always hope. But right now, I am totally drained. It is exhausting to even type this blog post. I believe that the storms always pass in life, but right now my family is stuck in a standstill doozy of a non-moving hurricane. And I am totally drained.

Kurt Vonnegut Quote: “Here we are, trapped in the amber of the moment. There  is no

10 thoughts on “Trapped”

  1. You have the right attitude.
    Gratitude for possibilities will carry you through this difficult time.
    You are exactly where you should be, doing what you need to do.
    Keep sharing your feelings of fear, grief, and sadness.
    Work your way through it; don’t stuff it. Expressing those feelings takes courage, and you have it within you.
    We are your tribe and we will support you.

  2. Prayers to you and your family! ❤️?❤️
    Ditto to what Kelly said. We are here for you with complete support and understanding.

  3. You said it so well : When there is life, there is always hope.

    My prayers for your son and family.


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