Friday People

26 Creativity Quotes and Inspiration ideas in 2021 | creativity quotes,  quotes, inspirational quotes

Geesh, it seems like it has been a long time since I have gotten the time, mojo, and peace to write one of my normal Favorite Things Friday posts. It feels good to be here, in a normal place, mentally and emotionally and physically, at least for this moment. Whoop! Whoop! Whoop! On Fridays, I try to keep things on the light side. On Fridays, I list three favorite things, or websites, or books, or songs, or foodstuff, etc. that make my heart sing. Here are my favorites for today:

Husbands – Yes, my husband is one of my favorites, for sure. In fact, he is my all-around favorite everything, but the thing is, recently I got a new husband. He holds me, he’s comfy, and he’s covered in a divine, soft, furry leopard print material. I bought myself a husband pillow for the first time since college (where I also found the original human husband 😉 ), and I am really enjoying my husband. If you are like me, and you love to read and/or scroll on your phone in bed, get yourself a husband pillow. They are divine!

Keva Style bracelets – I love these jazzy leather band bracelets. They add a bit of funkiness to any outfit and Keva has so many designs to choose from. I bought a big wide, chunky, off-white bracelet from them, and I feel so chic/hipster when I wear it. Keva also sells leather earrings and watch bands for your Apple watches. Check them out here and get yourself a little treat for some weekend pizazz:

Spartina Bitty Beads Earrings – Any time that I wear these earrings, I get compliments. They are dangling earrings, that look like beaded shades, or perhaps like tapestries. The earrings are eye-catching, yet tasteful all at the same time. And Spartina makes quality, long lasting items, so I suspect that I will be wearing my Bitty Beads for years to come. Find some that speak to you, and let the compliments come rolling in.

Thanks for stopping by today. As my regular readers know, my family is going through a tough chapter involving my son’s epilepsy. Thank you for your love and for your prayers. I feel them. I am so grateful for you, and for your support. To be honest, I find my inner judge coming out a lot these days. She masquerades as “people”. She says things like this to me: “People will think you shouldn’t write frivolity in times like these.” “People are tired of your sad posts. Write something happy.” “People will think you are so self-absorbed and sitting in your victim chair.” My inner judge never likes to own her own “stuff”. She pushes her own harsh criticisms on to “people.” Honestly though, in my experience, people are mostly good. People are mostly kind. People just want the best for all of us. The people who read my blog, are my kind of people. I think that I’ll try to ignore my own inner disparager this weekend, and I’ll rest in the comfort of my real “people” who love me, and support me and my family. Thank you for being some of these “people” in my life. I love you people very much.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

2 thoughts on “Friday People”

  1. Now, why would “people” call you out for being sad and scared about your son’s illness? Those are perfectly valid, normal responses to the situation. And in this situation, you ARE a victim. You aren’t wallowing in it, you’re just acknowledging the fact. There is nothing you can do that you haven’t already done. If there was something you could do to change things, you’d have done it. Your response to this situation is completely balanced. The only way to survive times like this is to find some humor and some lightness. Otherwise, you allow life to crush your spirit, and girlfriend, that is NOT on your agenda! Stay in gratitude for small kindnesses, appreciate the beauty of nature, and take joy in your lovely family. All of these things will sustain you as you nurture and love those around you, which is the thing you do so well.

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