Captains and Beacons

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

This has been a week when me and many of my friends have helped our children move into their college dorms and apartments. Two of my closest friends from college have taken their daughters to the same university that we, ourselves attended. Two of my dear friends officially became “empty nesters” yesterday, when they dropped their youngest children at their college dormitories, and then headed back to their own nests without their babies in tow. My friend sent this text from her social media, that got to me, right in the gut. There is just so much truth in this statement.

“To all my fellow empty nesters – just read this . . . . “For years you were captain of the ship – now you are a beacon of light on the shore.”

2 thoughts on “Captains and Beacons”

  1. LOL – that holds true for women in the midst of a divorce who need to release themselves from doing stuff for their incompetent ex! It’s difficult to stop being the captain when you see the ship running aground. But it’s no longer my job to steer. My new purpose is to provide guidance and encourage safe passage. I represent stability, the solid rock that is always there. It is enough.

    1. That’s it, Kelly! And isn’t that comforting for both of you, the light house, and the crazy little spastic ship! LOL You are doing great! I’m proud of you!

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