Soul Sunday

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.: Dr. Seuss - Place  for writing thoughts: SpotNotebooks: 9798621141103: Books

Good morning. I hope that you are in a peaceful, comfortable, allowing state of being right now. My friend recently reminded me of the popular quote by Dr. Seuss, as shown above. I repeated it a few times to my family, as we were in the airport, on our way home, from the wonderful, and highly anticipated summer family vacation that we had just experienced together. I thought to myself that the quote is also rather apropos for times that are awful in life, and then finally over, too. It would just be the quote in reverse, “Don’t cry because it happened. Smile because it is over.”

Anyway, back to business: Sundays are devoted to poetry here at Adulting – Second Half. Poetry is the attempt to put emotion into words, like no other form of writing can. Write a poem today. Just start writing out your feelings, with no rhyme or reason (pun intended). You may surprise yourself by how beautiful and poignant your words that describe an element of your life’s experience can be. I consider Sundays to be an experimental poetry workshop for all of us. Here is my poem for today:

Pressure, pressure pressurepressurepressurepressure

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Anticipate it. It’s coming. Overthink. Overplan. Overload. Overdo.

GRANDIOSE EXPECTATIONS^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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ClimbClimbClimbClimbCrescendoGRAND FINALE TA-DAH!!!!!!!!!!!

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It is possible that we create Escalation! and Exhiliration! and Expansion,

perhaps only for the solace and comfort of the purest, and yet most underrated feeling in our lives . . . .

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