Soul Sunday

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Happy Father’s Day! Happy Soul Sunday. My regular readers know that Sundays are devoted to poetry. The dictionary says this about poetry: “a quality of beauty and intensity of emotion regarded as characteristic of poems.” I think what makes poems special, is that despite the fact that poems are often some of the shortest forms of writing, they hold so much “intensity of emotion”. Poems are powerful in their sensitivities. Poems often have the ability to deliver a big gut punch, or an instant throat lump, or a swift connection to our inner knowing. Poetry is potent. Here is my poem for today:

When your seldom seen tears, flowed at the birth of M,

When you became G’s biggest bussing fan, at Daddy’s Grill.

When you held our giant man-child W, like a baby,

In an attempt to transfer strength and take away the pain.

When you proudly became Dancing Dinosaur,

at the Guides meetings with our baby girl.

When you held every baby, against your big broad chest,

On every vacation, to give them and me, the most lovely rests of our lives.

These are the moments that make me in awe of you.

These are the moments that remind me why I love you like I do.

Your love encompasses our family with your devotion,

Like the warmest blanket, on a cool, dark night.

I am so grateful that every one of them, has a part of you inside.

You have selflessly given each of them, a big chunk of your beautiful heart.

And that is why I know they will always be safe and loved,

Because I listen to your strong and steady and reliable heartbeat,

Every night. It is the most calming, lovely sound in the world, to me.

And it echoes through our children, forever.