Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.
Good morning, soul mates. My regular readers know that Sundays are devoted to poetry at Adulting – Second Half. On Sundays, I either write a poem or I share a poem written by another poet. Have you ever heard the phrase, “Shakespeare’s a poet, and doesn’t know it”? To me, this phrase means that when you speak or write from the heart, in your own unique voice, you are creating poetry, often without even realizing it. You are a poet. Let the words flow on to the page, and read them to yourself. I think that you will be amazed. Please feel free and comfortable, to share the poems that you write, here in my Comments section. It is generous and brave to share what is written and transcribed from your heart. Here’s my poem for today:

I purchased you for a few dollars, a little pink plant, in a little pink pot.
“Support Breast Cancer Awareness” the courageous sign read, and I thought,
“Yes, that feels right.”
I thought that they chose you, for your lovely color, to match their ribbon of pink.
But now I realize, like so many other times, I was wrong with what I think.
This is what I now know, from the deepest depths of my soul:
You were chosen for your health, vitality, fertility, resilience, strength and hope.
I can’t keep you down, my little pink plant, in a little pink pot.
You refuse to look away from the sun, you decline to rot.
Instead, you multiply.
You reach new heights.
You continue to grow, no matter where you are planted.
You are beautiful.
You are ALIVE.
You are health, vitality, fertility, resilience, strength and hope.
Thank you for being such a vital member of my garden’s colorful shower.
Your lessons are as lovely as your grand, bursting, bold, pink flower.