Soul Sunday

Good morning, soul mates. I hope that this Sunday finds you tranquil and at peace. Here at the blog, Sunday is devoted to poetry. Poetry is a pouring out of one’s heart, and the seeping out of one’s soul. Poetry always evokes mood, whether it be funny or sad or reflective or passionate. Poetry is a great way to get to know yourself. Write a poem today. Share it in my Comments section, if you like. You’ll be inspired by yourself. Here is my poem for today:

I love that all of the roads that we take, are well worn by experience.

Every twist and turn has a memory of you and me tied with it.

Our nights are filled with remembrances of different stages of you and me.

And we laugh and we smile and all of our looks between us, hold so much knowing.

We are the shared holders and keepers of a lovely urn,

A conjoint container full of stories of life, and brimming with living.

May we each hold our own handle carefully and reverently,

That the vessel of our ongoing adventure, may not be shattered nor destroyed.

When it is time for our shared potiche to be shelved,

May it be a relic that deserves a spotlight for posterity.

May it be a holder of the highest form of love and unity,

Inside of it, two eternal flames forming one fire.

Until then, we carry it on together down the road.

It is my lightest, and my easiest, and my most precious load,

the love that has created, and continues to fuel, our shared story.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

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