Soul Sunday

Good morning! Happy Mother’s Day!!! Sundays are devoted to poetry here at the blog. On Sundays, I either write a poem or I share a poem written by another poet who has moved me. Write a poem today, friends. There are no rules. Poems tend to just be the natural outpouring of what’s in your heart, in the form of words.

Every female whom I have ever known (including all of our female dogs, over the years), has had a mothering way of relating to the others in her life, whether she has her own children or not. I used to think that every which way that I needed to be mothered had to come from one woman, which is an unfair expectation of my own mother. As a mother of four amazing people, I am thankful for the ways “the others” have mothered my children, in ways that I was unable to fill the void. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. What is mothering? Here is my poem for today:

Mothering is a force of nature,

Mothering, the purest force of nurture,

Mothering is taking responsibility for caring,

For all of creation, for seeing the gift of all that is,

like no one else can. Her eyes are as wide open as her heart.

Perhaps this overwhelming instinct of care,

is the result of being chosen by Creation,

As the vessel to bring forth more Love into physical form.

Mothering is perhaps the most vulnerable,

and yet also the most powerful action,

one can ever perform in life.

The strength of a mother, is the iron rod of a family,

the support beam of a country,

And it is the Love of a Mother,

A beautiful blue and green globe spinning in eternity,

that holds and feeds and nurtures all of the Life that we live.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

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