
Are you passing on love, or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

This is my little Worry, Trouble doll. Don’t worry, she’s not in this terrible, tragic state of being because of trying to deal with all of my worries. I don’t have any more worries than anybody else. Plus, I have been working really hard at practicing what I preach – in short, “Don’t worry, be happy.” She used to have this adorable, colorful outfit with a headdress to match. That disappeared somewhere, never to be seen again, when I found her in the jaws of death, i.e. the mouth of our adolescent Boykin spaniel, named Trip. Imagine having the job of taking on other people’s worries, while fighting for every inch of your own life in the stinking, steamy mouth of an energetic, stubborn, enthusiastic chewer of a dog. Thankfully, Trip has a soft mouth, which most sporting breeds do, thus my darling little trouble doll, still wears that easy-going, calm, placid and serene expression on her darling little face. I didn’t have the heart to pitch her. If anything, her new crumbling state-of-being helps me to keep perspective, now, even more than ever. Any time that I take a new worry or concern to the worry doll, she doesn’t have to say the words. I look at her, and inevitably, my worry pales in comparison to the ordeal that she has been through. “Oh trouble doll, I’m worried about picking out some paint colors. There are just sooooo many greys to choose from! The horror of it all!!” She just gives me that look on her face. And it says it all:

What I think the Trouble/Worry doll’s expression is saying, “You know, dear, no worry is too small to give to me, and I’ll be sure your worries get to the Highest Authority who can do something about them, but really? REALLY? REALLY?!?!?! Can you please get a grip, girl?!? Can you step outside of your own 800 pairs of shoes, just for once, and imagine what it feels like to be Worry/Trouble doll?! Everybody dumps their daily dismal dialog on to you, and then afterwards, is otherwise careless with your own life, to the point that a Godzilla type creature lurks around, not caring to use your for the purpose for which you are intended, because let’s face it, Boykin spaniels don’t worry about jack sh$t. And honestly, being chewed up by Trip wasn’t nearly as bad as watching you let your stomach be all tied up in knots for endless hours, over many situations that almost always magically and easily worked themselves out when you really, finally and completely, let them go.”

Moral of the story: Don’t be a Trouble/ Worry Doll. It’s an awful gig. You’ll end up chewed up and spit out. Don’t let dramatic people dump all of their “problems” on to you. Trust that the Highest Authorities “got this” for all of us, and get on with your day. That’s what Boykin spaniels do, and their tails are always wagging.

Quotes Of The Day - 12 Pics | Life quotes, 25th quotes, Quotable quotes

Friday Shenanigans

Are you passing on love, or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Hi! Welcome to the best day of the week!! Fridays are light and airy here at Adulting – Second Half. On Fridays, I only discuss that tactile, sensory stuff that makes life fun to live! On Favorite Things Friday, I list three favorite products, songs, books, movies, etc. and I strongly encourage you to add your favorite things to my Comments section. I’m a lady who likes a lot of stuff (I’m relatively easy to please, and I’m usually game to try), but even I run out of ideas, having done this “Friday – full of favorites” post for a few years now.

Yesterday, we were about 45 minutes away from our home, in a different town, for one of my daughter’s tennis matches. My husband suggested that we stop off at their Trader Joe’s grocery store after the match, since we don’t have one nearby to us. My son had been going on and on about their Scandinavian Swimmers (Joe’s answer to Swedish fish) and I think that ever since that, my husband has been on a quest to get himself some, too. Now, I haven’t been to Trader Joe’s in years, so I too, was thrilled with the prospect of shopping there. I love novelty, especially in food!

I felt a little excitedly overwhelmed when we entered the store, not wanting to miss out on anything, so I looked up articles on “must buys” at Trader Joe’s. I cannot personally vouch for any of these items, because we just bought them last night and I have not tried any of them yet, but due to rave reviews, here are three things that I made sure were in our cart to buy, and then to try. Please let me know your Trader Joe’s favorites.

Three best sellers at Trader Joe’s which we purchased but I have no description to give because I haven’t tried them yet:

Trader Joe’s Mandarin Orange Chicken (bake and serve)

Trader Joe’s Everything But the Bagel seasoning blend (it’s a spice)

Trader Joe’s Creamy Cauliflower and Jalapeño dip (it’s a dip . . . obviously)

Have a wonderful weekend, friends!! This weekend was a little long in coming, in seems, at least for our household. May health and blessings abound for all of us! I’ll end with some funny Tweets, collected about shopping at Trader Joe’s:

“You think jumping out of an airplane is dangerous? Pfft…try going to Trader Joe’s when you’re starving to death.” – Stacey (Twitter)

“I was so close to fighting someone at Trader Joe’s just now but instead, I bought their snowflake-shaped pasta to calm down.” – Ella (Twitter)

“Trader Joe’s feels like if Jimmy Buffett were a grocery store.” – Sammy Rhodes (Twitter)

“We could go to Trader Joe’s – that’d be fun!” a glimpse into my social life” – Noah Sebastian (Twitter) I totally relate, Noah.

We Don’t Misjudge

Iyanla Vanzant wrote, “Until you heal the wounds of your past, you are going to bleed.  You can bandage the bleeding with food, with alcohol, with drugs, with work, with cigarettes, with sex; But eventually, it will ooze through and stain your life.  You must find the strength to open the wounds, Stick your hands inside, pull out the core of the pain that is holding you in your past, the memories and make peace with them.”

I used this quote in my writing before, but I was reminded of this particular quote again, late last week. I’ve mentioned that we are having all sorts of fun with home renovations and repairs this spring. We all know that when it comes to home projects, that these projects beget more projects, and then more projects, and all the while profusely bleeding money, with sanity flowing out the door, as well. So much fun. Ha!

We had drywallers out last week to repair holes in walls from a plumbing break, and also to do some cosmetic changes in our bedrooms which we are switching all around. While repairing one of our walls, by a large picture window in our kitchen, the drywallers discovered a mess underneath the wall. There had been a roof leak and while the leak had long been repaired, with a brand new roof, before we even moved into our house, the damage had already seeped into the wall. This roof leak caused all sorts of wood rot and decay in the wall which remained and festered and weakened, unbeknownst to us.

My second son is graduating from college at the end of the month. In light of this, our contractor hesitantly gave us the option to just quickly plaster the wall back up, as a temporary cosmetic fix. As disgusting as the sheer plastic looks, over the disintegrating entrails of the inside of our wall, (right now, I feel like I am living in the Amityville Horror, because of holes in parts of the wall, the plastic sheeting moves in and out rhythmically, as if the house were breathing), we chose not to do the quick fix. I’m pretty sure that the quick fix is probably what the previous owners chose to do. But deep down, we know that this problem must be fixed now, for the long term health and structure of our home, and for those it so stoutly houses and comforts and protects.

You can see where I am going with this analogy. The yucky stuff underneath doesn’t magically go away, just because you cover it up with something. The wounds underneath will fester and grow and become infected and seep out and affect everything around you, until you face the demons. And we all have them. We think we fool people with what image that we are imagining that we are portraying out to the world, but usually we are just fooling ourselves. Plus its lonely living an image. You can’t have a real, authentic relationship with yourself or with anyone else, if you aren’t willing to expose what is inside and outside – the good, the bad and the ugly.

It’s the strongest people in the world, who admit they have problems and look for ways to heal. And usually, healing is often just a matter of the process of feeling your feelings. Healing is allowing ourselves to feel, and to move through those feelings. I was watching a Red Table Talk episode recently. The guest was a therapist and writer named Michaela Boehm. Michaela was helping people on the show deal with all sorts of grief: the ending of relationships, the burning down of a home, even people grieving the loss of their big wedding plans because of COVID. She recommended that the people write (in their own handwriting) letters, never to be seen by anyone else, every single day, just getting every feeling and emotion and “revenge fantasy” out until there was no feeling left. She then said that when you finally get to that point of real detachment, you then create for yourself a little personal ritual that puts an ending and a form of closure to whatever it is that you are grieving. She suggested perhaps burning all of the letters which you have written. She emphasized the importance of not rushing the process. You will know when the time has come for the closing ritual. You will know.

That’s another important point Michaela Boehm made. In her words:

“Here’s a horrible truth. We don’t misjudge.” This came after a person was talking about losing a sense of trust in themselves and their own discernment, after being deceived in a relationship. Michaela said this, “The learning isn’t to become better at distinguishing it (referring to red flags, etc.), the learning is to listen to ourselves and to not override what we know is true.” In other words, stop putting all of the focus on the other person and what they are doing, and instead put that energy into being attuned to yourself and to your standards and to believe in your own “knowing”. Michaela said that we so often want the fairytale in our minds to be true, that we ignore the reality of what we see.

I think this is what is meant with all of this talk of creating a relationship with ourselves. This is why it is so important to become willing to open up the plaster walls and to face what is inside. To acknowledge our pain, and to accept our pain, and to feel our pain, is the only way to love ourselves back to health. And the beauty of doing this work of self-reflection, self-awareness, self-acceptance and self-love, is that we become clean and whole, from the inside out, and that healthy energy, in turn, attracts more of the same into our lives, in the form of our relationships and in our every day circumstances. I will close with the mantra that you have seen practically every single day on this blog, this year. It bears repeating:

Are you passing on love, or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

The Wide Open Sea

Yesterday, a good friend of mine from college announced that she was taking an early retirement from a career that she has had since we graduated from college almost 30 years ago. I am so excited for her, and I am also extremely curious to see what she ends up doing next. I think that this new stage of life, this second half of adulting, sometimes feels a little rudderless. The options are starting to open up more and more, and that feels exciting, yet daunting, and sometimes overwhelming, all at the same time. For a long time, I was sailing along in the narrow channel of raising a family, while my husband built his career and supported our family, and now, I am seeing this wide open seascape at the end of the channel. It’s thrilling, but my compass is doing that wild shaking and moving that happens sometimes with compasses. It hasn’t quite settled down yet. I am eager to watch the other ships who have travelled the narrow channel with me, enter into the big, blue sea. I am curious as to where their new travels will take them, as the confines of the structural shores, slowly fade away. I want to be inspired by the other captains’ ideas and visions. I want a new destination point. I don’t like feeling rudderless.

This is a time period in our lives where “the lulls” are starting to be broken. Our kids are growing up and moving out. Our priorities are starting to shift, sometimes rapidly. We’re getting signals by watching the changes in other people’s lives that remind us that we don’t have to keep doing things the way which we have been doing them. There is no “one size fits all” formula to live life, and that seems more acutely evident now, than it ever has before. Two others of my closest friends from college become official empty nesters this year. By summer, all of their children will have graduated from high school and moved on towards their own adult lives. I am only one year away from this phenomenon myself. Wow.

I am guessing that in this next stage of my life, I will be doing a lot of loop de loops. There is a great deal more space in wide open sea, to change directions, and to stop and to explore small islands of curiosity. There is more space for error in wide open territory. Of course, the weather can get turbulent. There may be less “protection” from the winds of change, that my narrow channel afforded. Still, I am ready for the adventure. Anticipation is a delicious part of life. Anticipation of the unknown is one of the biggest thrills in life, if you can get past the fear.

We are not retreating - we are advancing in another direction. - Douglas MacArthur

Are you passing on love, or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

No Word For That

I’m having a hard time getting into my groove after the holiday weekend. I feel a little frazzled and distracted and out of focus. I think that this is a common feeling for people, after getting off of their regular routines for some time, like after vacations or holidays, although I don’t have the right word for it. I wish that I did. Any ideas?

Another sensation that has been happening for me a lot lately is that feeling of being hungry, but then nothing appeals to me, to eat. I’m starving, but I stare at the cupboard or inside of the refrigerator, or even start to consider somewhere to get take-out, and none of it interests me. I literally looked up “the word” to describe this occurrence and no word really exists for this happening, in the English language. There should be a word for this feeling. I know that it is a relatively common sensation. I have felt it many times. Again, any ideas? Perhaps it is a form of ennui, or maybe it is a function of coming off a major binge of sugar, from birthday cake to Easter candy to ice cream, with a variety of Easter candy sprinkled on top of the ice cream. I don’t really know. Don’t worry, I still eat. Too much. But nothing seems to satisfy. There is a difference between satisfying physical hunger and satisfying a longing for edible enchantment. Taste is different than satiation, although we often lump it all together. Being fed through a tube will keep your nutrients up, but it will not satisfy your senses. That is why eating an incredibly delightful, delicious meal, when you are famished is such an enthralling, titillating epicurean experience.

Here’s another example of something which we need a word for in our language: We need a word for events in our lives that we NEVER tire of experiencing. My friend who has lived in Florida longer than I have, and who lives closer to the water than I do, group texted this morning that she saw dolphins playing. She said that people who were visiting our neck of the woods, were all clapping. All of us friends agreed that seeing dolphins is something that never loses its magic, even though when living in coastal Florida, it’s a relatively common experience. What is the word for phenomena in our lives, that no matter how many times the events happen, they never lose their luster and enchantment? What are some other examples of these wonderful experiences? Kissing a baby’s head. Watching puppies frolic around. Waking up to the first snow. Sunrises. Sunsets. Jumping in a pool on scorching hot day. The list goes on and on . . .

I know that you are a creative bunch. Let’s come up with words for these feelings and happenings in our lives, that are shared enough that they deserve words. These things have earned words to describe them!!! Let me know your thoughts in my Comments section. Also, staying with this line of thought, what is the word for an event or a sensation that deserves a word, but doesn’t have a universal word to describe it??? Unappreciated, for sure.

Are you passing on love, or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Monday Fun-day

Are you passing on love, or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Joe: Hey, we never found out what 22’s purpose was.
Counselor Jerry B: Excuse me?
Joe: You know, her spark. Her purpose. Was it music? Biology? Walking?
Counselor Jerry B: We don’t assign purposes. Where did you get that idea?
Joe: Because I have piano. It’s what I was born to do. That’s my spark.
Counselor Jerry B: A spark isn’t a soul’s purpose. Oh, you mentors and your passions. Your purposes. Your meanings of life. So basic.

Dorothea: [after Joe has a successful first performance] What’s wrong, Teach?
Joe: It’s just I’ve been waiting on this day for my entire life. I thought I’d feel different.
Dorothea: I heard this story about a fish. He swims up to this older fish, and says, “I’m trying to find this thing they call the ocean. “The ocean?” Says the older fish. “That’s what you’re in right now.” “This?” Says the young fish. “This is water. What I want is the ocean.” See you tomorrow.

Counselor Jerry A: So what do you think you’ll do? How are you going to spend your life?
Joe: I’m not sure. But I do know, I’m going to live every minute of it.

Hello friends and readers!! I missed you! I hope that you had a lovely weekend. I did. Yesterday, was not only Easter, but also my wonderful husband’s birthday, and today is my amazing eldest son’s birthday. (We are in one of those Family Birthday Clumps. Every family has them.) Today my eldest son is 25. I was 25 when I had my son. It’s surreal. This will be the only time in our lives when my son is half of my age. As I told him this morning, having and raising our first baby was so delightful, that we had three more, after him! I am so blessed with my beautiful family. Their birthdays bring that into acute focus. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Last night we capped the weekend off with a viewing of a fabulous movie. If you haven’t yet seen Disney Pixar’s Soul, stop what you are doing, and watch it right now. The quotes above are from the movie. I can’t believe I hadn’t seen Soul until yesterday. It’s a marvelous movie. The theme of the movie is this: Your life isn’t about any one purpose, or any one moment. Your life is about living. Your life is about all of the moments. Your life is about the experience of every moment of living. Live your life in awe. That is all.

The movie was right up my alley. See you tomorrow, my soulmates!!!

Good Friday

Are you passing on love, or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Good Friday 2019 Food Recipes Ideas Easter Day 2019 Ideas | Good friday images, Good friday, Good friday quotes

My husband said that I better be nice to my readers today. Please forgive my indulgence in fun yesterday, at your expense. At least my blog keeps surprising you, right? My regular readers know that Fridays are called Favorite Things Friday here at Adulting – Second Half. On Fridays, I don’t go much further than skin deep. I list three favorite things, or songs, or TV shows, or food items, etc. that rock my world and I ask you to share your favorites in my Comments section. Here are my favorites for today:

Redecor – This is my new phone game obsession, which I mentioned earlier this week. By now, I am sure that you are thinking, “Wow, this lady plays a lot of phone games!”, but I do other things while I am playing the games, such as watching TV, laying in bed, cooking, driving (kidding). Anyway, this is a perfect game to enjoy the fun of home decorating without the expense, mess, logistics, mood swings, or chaos that comes with actual home decor. It is almost like an adult coloring book. The fun of the game is that you get to vote on other people’s designs, which has opened up my mind to a whole new level of impressed. People are so creative. I love that feeling of, “Wow, I would never have thought of that combination and yet, it looks so amazing!”

Napa Hills Wine Antioxidant Water – This stuff is awesome! It makes you feel like you are drinking an adult beverage, when you aren’t at all. You can drink this for breakfast and not worry about saying something ridiculous and slurry, nor feel like you might need to check into a rehab. The marketing on this flavored water is genius. From their website:

“One bottle of  Napa Hills water delivers 10 times the amount of antioxidants found in one glass of red wine, but without the alcohol or wine taste. Our first product is a refreshing Cherry flavor, inspired by Napa Valley Rosé, flavored with hints of cherry and lingering pomegranate finish.”

This drink is pricey, but it is tasty and has zero calories. It makes an ordinary lunch feel more special and Mad Men-ish, without any guilt. Splurge! It’s the little things in life, right?

Thriving as an Empath by Judith Orloff – If you are a person who has been described as “too sensitive”, first of all, you are not. You are wonderful, just the way you are! You are just more attuned to all of the energy surrounding you, more than the average Joe. And that’s not good or bad, it just is. Sometimes this “sensitivity” can make life a little more emotional and difficult, but other times, it can make the world seem more vibrant and overwhelmingly beautiful, than some others could possibly ever imagine. This is a great book, written like a daily devotional, to help you to navigate your beautiful, empathic nature. I have given this wonderful book as gifts, and it is one of those gifts which friends have told me they liked, more than a dozen times. It might come off as “woo-woo” to some, but take a look inside of it, and you’ll know right away whether it resonates with you or not.

Okay, I loathe to do this after my nasty trick, but I honestly take Easter weekend off every single year. I’ve done this since I started my blog (you can look in the archives to see this). As a Christian, there is not a more appropriate time in the year to hit the “reset” button, than during Easter weekend. It’s like a Lenten sacrifice for me, in a way. I love to write! I love to commune with you, so taking this time and space away from my blog, honestly makes me appreciate it, even more. It’s just something that I must do, for reasons I don’t even fully understand. Here’s last year’s Good Friday post to verify this, (since you may have trust issues with me now 😉 ) Have a miracle- filled, delightful weekend and I shall be back on Monday!

Thank you and Good-bye

Are you passing on love, or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Best Beginnings And Endings Quotes with images to share and download for  free at QuotesLyfe

Friends, it is with a heavy heart that I am announcing that this will be my last blog post. I have written a blog post for practically every single day since my eldest son officially left our family’s nest to start out in his “real” adult life in 2018. We have gone through so much together, my readers, and you have been with me every step of the way. I love you with all of my heart. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your support, and your validation. You have added so much meaning to my life and as much as I try, I do not have the words to fully convey the significance that this blog, and my readers hold in my life. Adulting – Second Half gives me a sense of purpose. It helps me to better understand myself, and others, while I am going through this very transitional stage of my life. The blog, in many ways, has been a lifesaver for me, in the sense of helping me to get back to “myself”, instead of just getting all of my identity from my various roles that I hold and I “play” in my life. I hope that you all have “a blog” in your lives, if not a literal blog, than a figurative one, which speaks to the deepest part of your being and to your most creative force. In some ways, I consider this blog to be one of my babies. And anyone who knows me well, knows how fiercely I love my babies.

Why is this my last blog post, you ask? Because it is April 1st. And in the words of Ashton Kutcher, you have just been “punk’d.” Do you honestly think that I would give up this blog and you, and everything which I just explained that it all means to me, without a major fight??? I’m a fire sign and my fire burns brightly. You aren’t getting rid of me anytime soon. Other than the part about today being my last blog post, everything else that I wrote about you, and about my blog, was the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God. I adore Adulting -Second Half and I adore you. Happy April Fools Day! Don’t be angry. Just groan and giggle. See you tomorrow.