Soul Sunday

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Good morning, soul mates. I hope today finds you in a peaceful, tranquil place. My regular readers know that Sundays are devoted to poetry here at Adulting – Second Half. On Sundays, I either write a poem or I share a poem which has moved me. Poetry comes not from your head, but from your heart. Sure your mind can help with the rhyming and the creative twists and the remembering of obscure and interesting words, but the reason why we often get a lump in our throats when we read a poem, is because our heart is touched by the emotion that brought the words into being. Write a poem today, friends. It will help you to hear your heart.

I am embarking on a big, busy, fun, exciting, but emotional week in the life of our family. Another one of my children will be graduating from college, among other exciting and nerve-wracking events. As I reflect on this fact, swirling with the 500,000 different emotions this type of event brings to the surface, I’ve been meditating a lot on the idea of letting go. Sometimes it feels like the whole purpose of living a human life, is to learn the lesson of letting go. This poem, written by another poet, says it well, I think (I feel):

If you cannot be a poet, be the poem. | Pretty words, Eh poems, Words quotes