Soul Sunday

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Sundays are devoted to poetry here at Adulting – Second Half. On Sundays, I call it poetry workshop day and I share a poem which I have written or I share a poem written by somebody else, which has moved me. Poetry is mysterious, yet exposing, all at the same time. Like a painting, poetry allows you to bring so much of yourself and your own story, to the words and to your perception of the poem. It is possible to make a poem (whether your own words, or not) completely your own, which makes it such a deeply personal and profound form of writing. I would love to see your poems in my Comments section, but regardless, write a poem today. It will show you your heart and soul in written form. Here’s my poem for today:

Thanks for coming out with me last night,

I missed your fun and your free,

I missed the frenzied energy of strangers moving together,

Noticing each other’s beautiful humanity,

Without ever sharing words.

I missed that feeling of being fully alive,

And that aliveness coursing through my being.

Last night was a glimpse of the casually carefree,

A feeling which I had almost forgotten, even existed.

Reminder to self: It is a blessing to have fun,

And to feel fun fully. It is a blessing.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.