A New Adventure

We are headed out to start the first of the activities on the schedule for parents’ weekend, sponsored by our sons’ fraternity. I’m as prepared as one can be for . . . hatchet throwing. It seems to be the new in-vogue activity these days. It used to be mystery rooms and just my luck, just in time for parents’ weekend for a fraternity, hatchet throwing is now all of the rage. And it is right next to a brewery. Brilliant.

I’ll be giving my sons, the two biological brothers and also fraternity brothers, a little gift in an envelope which I have prepared. I went through old family photographs last night and I found the most adorable pictures of the two brothers, doing their thing together, when they were little toddlers. I think their other fraternity brothers will get a kick out of it all. I will be careful that these photographs aren’t used as targets, though. Those pictures are among the most precious things we own.

If tomorrow’s blog looks like this:

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You’ll know that I wasn’t all that successful at hatchet throwing. I am aiming to not lose any of my bodily extremities, nor my mind. My intentions are good. I always aim to be a “cool mom” now that my kids are grown. I can’t say that I often succeed, but I try.

Are you passing on love, or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.