Monday Fun-day

Are you passing on love, or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Joe: Hey, we never found out what 22’s purpose was.
Counselor Jerry B: Excuse me?
Joe: You know, her spark. Her purpose. Was it music? Biology? Walking?
Counselor Jerry B: We don’t assign purposes. Where did you get that idea?
Joe: Because I have piano. It’s what I was born to do. That’s my spark.
Counselor Jerry B: A spark isn’t a soul’s purpose. Oh, you mentors and your passions. Your purposes. Your meanings of life. So basic.

Dorothea: [after Joe has a successful first performance] What’s wrong, Teach?
Joe: It’s just I’ve been waiting on this day for my entire life. I thought I’d feel different.
Dorothea: I heard this story about a fish. He swims up to this older fish, and says, “I’m trying to find this thing they call the ocean. “The ocean?” Says the older fish. “That’s what you’re in right now.” “This?” Says the young fish. “This is water. What I want is the ocean.” See you tomorrow.

Counselor Jerry A: So what do you think you’ll do? How are you going to spend your life?
Joe: I’m not sure. But I do know, I’m going to live every minute of it.

Hello friends and readers!! I missed you! I hope that you had a lovely weekend. I did. Yesterday, was not only Easter, but also my wonderful husband’s birthday, and today is my amazing eldest son’s birthday. (We are in one of those Family Birthday Clumps. Every family has them.) Today my eldest son is 25. I was 25 when I had my son. It’s surreal. This will be the only time in our lives when my son is half of my age. As I told him this morning, having and raising our first baby was so delightful, that we had three more, after him! I am so blessed with my beautiful family. Their birthdays bring that into acute focus. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Last night we capped the weekend off with a viewing of a fabulous movie. If you haven’t yet seen Disney Pixar’s Soul, stop what you are doing, and watch it right now. The quotes above are from the movie. I can’t believe I hadn’t seen Soul until yesterday. It’s a marvelous movie. The theme of the movie is this: Your life isn’t about any one purpose, or any one moment. Your life is about living. Your life is about all of the moments. Your life is about the experience of every moment of living. Live your life in awe. That is all.

The movie was right up my alley. See you tomorrow, my soulmates!!!