Monday Funday


I didn’t really start seriously drinking coffee until I was probably in my early forties. Before that, I drank gallons of Diet Coke. When I decided Diet Coke wasn’t healthy for me anymore, I substituted my three morning Diet Cokes, for coffee. Hmmmm. I am going to look up a word for replacing one bad habit for another bad habit. I’ll be right back. Okay, the closest thing I could find was “addiction replacement.” You learn something new every day.


Because Big Brother always knows what I am thinking about and what I am writing about, an article popped up on my feed. Look what is new on the market, below! I am going to look up a word for adding a bad habit, to another bad habit. I’ll be right back. Okay, the closest thing which I could find to describe coffee and coke together, is “comorbidity.” (It pays to come back to the website if you are a subscriber. I edit my blog posts all of the time!)

Coke wih Coffee arrives at US stores on Monday.

Are you passing on love, or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love. 

2 thoughts on “Monday Funday”

  1. I complete agree with your meme! But, hey, coffee staves off Alzheimer’s. It’s GOOD for us!!! Have a happy week, Kelly.

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