Monday – Funday

26 All Time Best Betty White Quotes & Funny Memes In Honor Of Her (98th!)  Birthday

Betty White’s 99th birthday was yesterday. Talk about a walking smile – Betty is that!! What an inspiration she is to so many people, mostly by being so alive and joyful!

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

I read a news story over the weekend about a very courageous waitress and an equally courageous little boy in Orlando, Florida. The boy was with his family in a restaurant, and the waitress noticed how frail he looked, and that he was covered in bruises. The family did not order him a meal. The waitress wrote a note on a piece of paper. “DO YOU NEED HELP?”, the paper sign read. She held it so that only the boy could see it. At first the little boy shook his head in a slight “no”, but she persisted a few more times, and he finally nodded “yes” assuredly. The waitress called the police, and it turns out that the boy and his sister were being severely abused and malnourished by their parents. The children were taken to safety, and their parents were arrested. The police officer handling the case said that this kind of bravery, shown by both the waitress and the little boy, is extremely rare. In most cases, people just look the other way. And also in most cases, people aren’t brave enough, to ask for help when they need it. This is the year to be a new kind of brave – the bravery shown by a waitress and a little boy.

Are you passing on love, or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love. 

2 thoughts on “Monday – Funday”

  1. Well, Kel, that was a sucker punch!
    You open with the beautiful, smiling Betty White, and then tear my heart out with the story of the boy and the waitress.
    Sneaky, my friend, sneaky!
    But well played.
    I believe that there will be many revelations this week akin to the story you shared. As a nation, and more importantly, as a people, we are sick of the evil that goes on behind closed doors, and we are giving ourselves permission to really SEE it and do something about it. The shift into Aquarius encourages the world to shed material obsessions and move into a more equitable space where we realize that there is enough for everyone and that we lose nothing by helping others. (I hear the refrain from the 5th Dimension song running through your mind right now! I can’t get rid of it, so I finally googled the lyrics!)
    This is going to be an astonishing week.

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