Lucky Find

I get a “word of the day” emailed to me every day. This week, I liked one “word of the day” so much, I put it in my journal. I like this word so much, that I am blogging about it this morning. The word is French. The word is “trouvaille”. It means “lucky find”. How fitting that this new word in my vocabulary is a lucky find for me! As I write this, Ralphie, our big ol’ goofy Labrador retriever is playing the piano. He recently discovered that he can play the piano by pushing the keys with his chin. His musical talents are a lucky find for him. (whether his new found talent turns out to be a lucky thing for us, remains to be seen – thank goodness for piano key covers) What are some of your “lucky finds” in your life? I consider my husband, and my friends, and my dogs, to be my best “lucky finds”. I have a pewter bunny bank full of lucky pennies, found as I go about my daily business. One time I found several beautiful Hermes scarves at a thrift shop, for the whopping cost of five dollars each. There are so many books that I have read over the years that turned out to be “the right book, at the right time.” They were trouvailles, for sure. Our lives are full of trouvailles, if we are willing to look for them and recognize them for what they are, and what they mean to us. I am wishing for all us, many trouvailles in the new year and beyond. Let’s focus on our trouvailles, versus our troubles.

“We are all a great deal luckier that we realize, we usually get what we want – or near enough.”– Roald Dahl

“You never know what worse luck your bad luck has saved you from.”– Cormac McCarthy