Be Safe Friday

Hi friends! Hope you had a wonderful day yesterday and I hope you are having fun (and having it safely) today! I honestly have never shopped on Black Friday (in retail stores). I don’t really like crowds and I really don’t like crowds this year, in particular. Still, I love to shop and I know the thrill of a deal, so I hope you all are having a thrilling day. On Fridays, I don’t plunge below the surface. I call it Favorite Things Friday. I keep it light and fun and material by listing three favorite products, songs, food stuff, etc. that have made my life fun to live and I strongly encourage you, to add your favorites to my Comments section. Please check out previous Fridays for more favorites that could make could gifts for yourself and others. Here are my favorites for today:

Birthdate Candle – One of my most thoughtful, and most organized friends sent me one of these candles for my birthday already (my birthday is in December). She is having surgery and didn’t want to forget. These soy candles fulfill so much of my favorite things in one – good lighting, good scents and astrology. I love it, and I admittedly have been burning mine already (I’m an impatient, fiery Sagittarius). Each of these candles lists the unique qualities of a person born on that particular date. This is a great, fun, unique, personal gift idea.

Interior Chinatown by Charles Yu – This book just won the National Book Award. It is written in such an interesting perspective that I found it to be confusing and compelling, at the same time. The crux of the book, however, is an inside look at the Asian immigrant’s experience, in the United States. If there was ever a year that was screaming for us to look at situations through the eyes of others, this year is it. I learned a lot about my own false assumptions by reading this book. Any book which helps me to grow my perspective and my compassion and keeps my interest, deserves to be a favorite.

Amy’s Green Cleaning Products – I got turned on to Amy’s products when I was at the mountains a couple of weeks ago. I purchased some of her roll-ons and her room sprays at a lovely gift shop, and these are some of the BEST aromatherapy products I have ever used (and I have bought a lot of aromatherapy products over the years). I also put an order in for some of her cleaning products, because I figured if they smell as good as her personal products, I might actually get more incentivized to clean more often. I noticed her online shop is currently closed, but when I called about that fact, they explained that there had been an unexpected death in the family and they would be opening again soon. Give her website a look, in the next couple of weeks. And buy something. Your nose will thank you for it, and your nose always knows.

Have a great weekend, friends!!!

Black Friday Quotes and Sayings, Shopping Quotes | Real Simple