Heavenly Friday

200+ Friday meme ideas | friday meme, its friday quotes, friday humor

Good morning, my awesome friends and readers!!! Today is Friday! Friday is “Favorite Things Friday”. On Fridays, I try not to think and ruminate. On Fridays, I typically list three favorite items of mine, like food, books, songs, etc. I ask you to add your favorites to my comments section. You can also check out my previous Friday postings for more of my favorites. (could be helpful with the holidays right around the corner) Here are my favorites for today:

Pinch Me Therapy Dough – This is like playdough for adults. It’s a wonderful little tin of dough with all different aromatherapy scents available. You keep the tin in the refrigerator and when you feel the need to squeeze some stress out of your system, you take out a little reusable piece of peace, and you squeeze it and you roll it and you smell it. Aww, the relief!! I find that my hands get a little stiff in the cooler weather (aging sucks sometimes) and this really helps exercise the stiffness out of my hands. Pinch me, I get to mess around with playdough again?!? Awesome!

Matthew McConaughey’s memoir Green Lights – I love this book. I read a lot of it out loud to my husband, on our way home from the mountains (even tried the Texas twang, here and there). Matthew is a wonderful storyteller. He is also obviously, a smart and insightful man. I love his refreshing candor and humor. This is a very well done memoir.

Emily McDowell and Friends Greeting Cards – A good friend of mine from college just introduced these hilarious, yet poignant, honest and open (and even sometimes vulgar) greeting cards, to me this week. Here is an example of one, made just for 2020:

I love going to the website and just reading and laughing and relating to all of the greeting cards! Have a wonderful weekend, friends!!! 2020 is almost over! We’ve almost made it. One of my meditations yesterday said to be like a mountain goat. Take one step at a time, be scrappy and nimble, and don’t worry about what is in the future as you climb to the top of the mountain. Just focus on one step at a time.