Soul Sunday

Good morning, friends and readers. I’m away from home, in a spot of lovely nature. The peace and calm and mystery of it all, is so regulating. Nature is God’s form of a reset button. Sundays are devoted to poetry at Adulting – Second Half. Sometimes I write a poem, and sometimes I borrow one. Today I share a borrowed poem by a brilliant writer, Rudyard Kipling. Please share your own poems in my Comments section. May you all feel restored and reset and revitalized by the end of this lovely Sunday. Do whatever you need to do, to get to the place of reset wellness.

The Way through the Woods

by Rudyard Kipling

THEY shut the road through the woods
Seventy years ago.
Weather and rain have undone it again,
And now you would never know
There was once a road through the woods
Before they planted the trees.
It is underneath the coppice and heath,
And the thin anemones.
Only the keeper sees
That, where the ring-dove broods,
And the badgers roll at ease,
There was once a road through the woods.Yet, if you enter the woods
Of a summer evening late,
When the night-air cools on the trout-ringed pools
Where the otter whistles his mate,
(They fear not men in the woods,
Because they see so few.)
You will hear the beat of a horse’s feet,
And the swish of a skirt in the dew,
Steadily cantering through
The misty solitudes,
As though they perfectly knew
The old lost road through the woods.
But there is no road through the woods.