

I, myself, have never met a cookie that I didn’t like. Yesterday, we ordered sandwiches from this darling little country general store. It was the kind of store you walk into, and you expect to all of the sudden see yourself in braids and a long flocked dress, like Laura Ingalls. The store wrapped your delicious sandwiches in cardboard boxes and hidden underneath the wax paper, which was protecting the intactness of the sandwich, were two little, neatly tucked-in cookies. The cookies weren’t particularly special (we had also purchased several of their homemade mack-daddy pan sized cookies), but to find these little chippers, tucked in their little hiding spot, was such a delightful surprise, it brought a smile to all our faces. Cookies should be in their own food group, a vital daily supply of Vitamin H (as in Happiness). At our sons’ university, there is a cookie delivery service aptly called “Cookie-gasm”. Hey, if the shoe fits . . . . . Truly though, what I sincerely know, with all of my heart, is that every cookie matters.

4 thoughts on “Cookie!”

  1. Yes! It’s those small surprises that make life delightful!
    Pan-sized cookies?? Lord, have mercy upon my waistline.

  2. Hey Kelly,
    I loved this little ‘surprise’ cookie segment.
    I like cookies, but I am rather selective, not all cookies rank the same with me. My mother bakes AMAZING cookies, and I am rather spoiled when it comes to cookies. However, where my son goes/went to the university before Covid, is a place called Insomnia Cookie. They deliver hot cookies until 3am. (Is that crazy??? Or what???). Anyway, every time we are in the area, we bring home these delicious cookies. It is a request made every time he or anyone is in the area to bring them home. I do love when you said they should be part of the Daily Supplement of Vitamin H…because good cookies do bring their own supply of Happiness…and don’t we all need a bit more of that!

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