Monday Fun-Day


When our three sons were little, they were only allowed to use one bathroom, in the far, far corner of the house. Friends, we are going to need a lot of laughs this week! Whenever I ask my Mood Meter app to help me shift my mood, the two responses I almost always get are 1. Think of your favorite joke, and 2. Smile for one full minute. Surprisingly, these words of advice work better than you would think. At the very least, we have an interesting and lively week ahead of us. That says a lot for a year in which a lot of us would describe as somewhat boring and subdued. Let the games begin!! May the odds be ever in your favor!

2 thoughts on “Monday Fun-Day”

  1. Funny!
    I knew a mom who had three sons, and they were never allowed to stand and p…, their mom made them sit on the toilet. They used to tell me that they loved to come to my house….I used to think, yeah, lucky me!
    Such is life with boys….

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