The Game


Sometimes, when I am bored, I think of crazy scenarios in my head, and then I tell myself, “Someone has done, or will do, exactly the insane storyline that I have playing in my head,” and then I crack myself up. It’s like my own little sit-com, playing in my brain. So when I saw this meme this morning, I giggled to myself, realizing that I am not alone in my fun little game. But then I thought, someone else is thinking, “Someone out there is weird enough to think of crazy things which people could do, and then thinking that someone probably has already done the said crazy antic.” Remember, I write this blog from Florida, home of “Florida Man.” Nothing is too crazy for Florida Man.

2 thoughts on “The Game”

  1. So I had to Google “Florida Man” to get in the know about him.
    I’ve always heard that the nuts and fruits migrate to the coasts, and I would say that Florida Man clearly demonstrates the origin of this theory.

    I expected Florida Man to be a retired Jew from New York or New Jersey because I’ve heard lots of stories about their antics. I did not expect Florida Man to be so young, so ethnically diverse, or so creative in his wayward mayhem.

    This is a new world for me, and I will follow the adventures of Florida Man with giddy joy from this point forward!

    If it’s any consolation, I am stuck with the Kardashian clan, who literally live about a dozen miles from where I reside. Despite the blessed news that they have decided to end the constant profiling of their daily activities, we’ll still have to put up with them locally. Their shiny, perfect beauty pales in comparison with Florida Man’s ragged mullet and face tattoos, but they’re all we’ve got for now. Unless OJ decides to conduct another slow-speed chase on the 101 freeway, or another athlete is killed in a helicopter crash (both of those incidents happened near me.) But in my humble opinion, Florida Man rules!!

    1. Kelly, I think OJ transplanted to Florida after jail. LOL!! At the very least, his kids are here . . .

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