
Fun things that made me happy lately:

+We were on the beach with Trip, our Boykin spaniel puppy, and he was racing around chasing all of the little, perky, harmless sandpipers into the water. Then, in the distance, he saw the BIG game. Big Bird (an enormous prehistoric looking heron) was standing on the shore in all of his glory. Trip bounded towards Big Bird, full speed ahead. Big Bird, looked annoyed and scoffed at the puppy, and he firmly held his ground. Trip, realizing that Big Bird was not going to go the way of the sandpipers, instantly put on the brakes, and the skid marks in the sand, were several feet long. My husband said that the sand looked like bunched up carpet. Nature and animals make me happy.

+I was at the beach last night watching the sunset with my good friends. Another group of women were laughing and celebrating close by. One woman was dancing around with her long beautiful gray/white hair. When we all headed to the shore, to take pictures of the sunset, we noticed that the one woman in the circle of friends, with the long hair, wore a t-shirt that said, “I am 70 today!” She made 70 look fabulous, and I instantly pictured myself in the future with my dear friends, 20 years from now. Friends and celebrations make me happy.

+We had our weekly Facetime chat with our four “children” last night. One “child” is a grown adult man who lives in another state, two of my “children” are college men away at school, and our daughter, who is a junior in high school, chatted from her bedroom, while my husband and I sat in front of my husband’s iPad in the kitchen. I’ve noticed as I’ve gotten older, that I really enjoy “the chatter” and “the banter” of my family. I try to pay attention to the details of the conversation, but I often get lost in just watching the familiar mannerisms and energy that make each person who I love so much, themselves, and also the chatty, teasing, loving, supportive, easy energy that is the true essence of my family. My family makes me happy.

What makes you happy? Just focus on that today. Put your attention towards what makes you happy, and let the rest just be. Give yourself a happy day. You deserve it.

Motivational Monday | Amy Tangerine | Positive quotes, Reasons to be happy,  Words