Bless This Mess

This is the state of my writing nook right now:

You can see Ralphie, the Labrador, trying to peek his head up over the rubble, in the right hand corner, like hope of life, peeking out of a war scene. I would like to take the time and space to thank the following creatives for making me feel good about my messy mess. First, a quote from the famed author, Anne Lamott:

“I absolutely don’t buy into the current mania for tidiness and decluttering. For a writer, piles of paper and notes are a fertile field.” – Anne Lamott

And a picture taken of the late, great fashion director, Karl Lagerfeld:

Thank you both, for allowing me the state of rationalizing my messiness, for today.

8 thoughts on “Bless This Mess”

  1. Your space doesn’t look bad.
    Karl Lagerfeld’s, on the other hand, gives me the heebie-jeebies.
    I haven’t gone completely Kon-Mari, but I keep a pretty neat home. I’d say that Karl could have used some Marie Kondo assistance!

  2. How I can relate to this post, today…
    This weekend, poised to be one of rest and relaxation (and good food) quickly became the end of a nightmare week.
    Water pipe in the wall finally gave way…but apparently had been leaking inside for a long long time. What followed was plumbers, drywall (and removal of 2 walls and a cabinet and my bathtub).
    My mantra this week besides …breathe…. has been “This is an inconvenience…not a problem”
    My Sofi-Cat does not see it the same way and has been sliding beneath the sofa when the crew arrives.
    On the first day the only reason I didn’t join her there, is that I don’t fit.

    Everything has stopped until Tuesday, now.

    The drywall guy did manage to get 2 of my three walls up on Friday…no wall tile until Thursday.

    There is no tub. It will be here Tuesday.

    It is kind of like camping, right now.

    In my house.

    (…next weekend I will be spending two days in a bubble bath…)

    1. Oh Carla, that sounds terrible! I love your mantra, though. Try to think of it as a exotic form of “glamping”. LOL!

  3. I take comfort in the fact, that during my 20+ years of my sales career, I called on highly educated people and most all of their desks and offices were messy. When they would apologize for their messy nests, I would say, no apology necessary, you should see mine. I had come to the realization that when we go into our offices, and places where we either work or create, we go there to do just that. Work or Create! We don’t go there to tidy up and clean. We save that for another time, when the work and creation aren’t as important to us as it is when our minds are focused on the tasks to get done, or the when the creative juices are flowing.. I’m not quite sure then that time will be…but it sure is nice to put that chore off for as long as possible! Unfortunately and Fortunately, I will be moving this month and I am looking that nasty chore right in the face….and thinking of ways to improve upon my next office space. Oh well, there are tasks to get done and my creative juices are flowing.

    1. I really like that perspective, Joan. I hope that your move goes well, and turns into a wonderful, creative blossoming space and time for you!

      1. Thanks Kelly!
        It has been years in the planning and building.
        I plan on, ‘Blooming where I’m planted!’
        Love parts of Florida, but Pittsburgh will always be HOME to me. ?

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