Soul Sunday

Good morning, my beautiful friends and readers. Thank you for coming by. I hope that today finds you to be in a peaceful, restorative place. New readers (and new subscribers – thank you, peek-a-boo, I see all of you and I appreciate you so much!), Sundays are poetry workshop days, here at Adulting- Second Half. Please write a poem today. You don’t have to share it with anyone if you don’t want to, but I would love to see your poetry in my Comments section. I consider poetry to be a rule-less purge of words. Poetry is the most free form of communication. It is seductive, mysterious, alluring, and pure, all at the same time. Give yourself the gift of a poem today. Just spill it out. You might happily surprise yourself, with what comes out of your heart, in word form. At the very least, you will feel relieved and more clear. Here’s my poem for today:

For Now

Sometimes I feel the onus to save the world,

But the only sharp tool that I have,

That I can use with any proficiency or skill,

Is my pen.

So I pick up my only tool,

And I let what is inside of me,

Flow out of me, through it.

Blindly, recklessly, un-calculated, and fervent,

the words topple out, faster than I can write.

And then, in an awakening, awareness moment,

I realize that I cannot possibly save the world,

No one really can.

But in utilizing my tool,

my pen, the way shower of my words,

I can save myself.

And that is enough,

For now.

2 thoughts on “Soul Sunday”

  1. Great poem!
    Sometimes the feelings just need to come out-and putting the pen to paper is often the best, most-free way of getting it out.

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