Soul Sunday

Good morning friends and readers. I hope that this post finds you in a peaceful place. Sundays, are a free flow of words in poetry. Sundays are poetry workshop days at Adulting – Second Half. I write a poem or I procure a poem from one of my readings, written by someone else. I strongly encourage you to add your poems to my Comments section. This is a no judgment zone. This is just a place to freely express what sits on your heart. Have a restful, rejuvenating day! Here is my poem I wrote for today. I am sending lots of love to you out there. I hope that you can feel it and that you can shelter in the cocoon of Love, at least for today.

What Lies on My Heart

I’m so scared, I want to stay holed up in a ball

In the safest confines of my home.

I’m so bored, I want to jump in my car, and take it,

To go to wherever my boldest imagination,

Finds an intriguing dot on a map, and then some more.

I don’t want to get ill and more so, I don’t want to be the cause

Of anyone’s pain nor terrible, breathless demise.

But you can’t live a joyous life, without a dash of risk.

But, but, but . . . . . . . . back and forth.

Back and forth.


And forth . . . . . . .


Nobody talks about their “daily doings” anymore.

Because Everyone has become judge and juror.

Nobody wants to be “cancelled,” and therefore Everyone is “cancelled”.

Cancelled from expressing our true authentic selves.

But how do you learn from what can’t be acknowledged nor revealed?

It’s lonely when you can’t be real.

And those who are still expressing, tend to take it too far.

They have absorbed all of the energy of the unsaid,

And all of the energy of the unfelt,

And it explodes and it bursts and it erupts out of them,

Too forcefully.

And the meaning is lost in the angry noise.

And the rest of us stay safely quiet.


My mind whirls around in jumbled circles, these days.

Everything is a decision, a weighing of chance.

Everything, Every Single Day.


Every. Single. Day.

Again and again.

It’s exhausting.


But my heart does tell me that everything is going to be okay.

My heart tells me that everything is okay.

My heart says for me, to just be quiet, and to be still.

Be still and know that I am.

Be still. Know.

I am.

And then I take a deep breath and I’m peaceful again.