Soul Sunday

Hi readers! Sunday is devoted to poetry here at Adulting – Second Half. I consider Sundays to be a word play workshop in which you just start writing the words and get delighted or confused or fascinated, by where they take you. Please add your poetry to my Comments section. Here is my poem for today:

Last Night’s Storm

Sometimes storms brew in the far distance,

Where they seem exciting and thrilling and intriguing.

They are a fireworks show, without the terror of proximity.

But other times, storms sit right over top of you,

In the ultimate power play, daring you to breathe normally.

Like a indignant bully, sitting hard on your chest.

Last night contained one of those hair’s breadth storms,

That had me seriously wondering about my fate.

Would I make it to see the bright, beautiful morning,

Or would my lover and I turn into small flecks of charred ruin?

Wrapped up in each other’s arms, shielding and comforting each other,

From the anger and rage which nature sometimes righteously inflicts.

Sometimes storms brew in the far distance,

But sometimes storms choose to confront you,

With their awe striking power, and random, “nothing personal” blows,

In order to shake you to your very core, just because they can.